What is GRAV

Grav CMS is a modern, open-source flat-file content management system (CMS) built on PHP. Unlike traditional database-driven CMS platforms like WordPress or Drupal, Grav stores content in files rather than a database. This approach offers several advantages, including faster performance, simpler backups, and easier version control.

Key features of Grav CMS include:

  1. File-Based Architecture: Grav uses a file-based structure to store content, configuration, and assets. Content is written in Markdown, a lightweight markup language that is easy to write and read.

  2. Flexibility and Extensibility: Grav is highly flexible and extensible, allowing developers to create custom themes and plugins to extend its functionality. The Grav ecosystem includes a wide range of themes and plugins to customize and enhance your site.

  3. Performance: Because Grav does not rely on a database, it can deliver faster performance compared to traditional CMS platforms. The flat-file architecture reduces database queries and server load, resulting in quicker page load times.

  4. Twig Templating: Grav uses the Twig templating engine, which offers a flexible and powerful way to create and manage website templates. Twig's syntax is intuitive and easy to learn for developers.

  5. Markdown Content Editing: Content in Grav is written in Markdown, a plain text formatting syntax that converts easily to HTML. Markdown is simple to learn and allows content creators to focus on writing without worrying about complex formatting.

  6. User-Friendly Admin Panel: Grav comes with an easy-to-use admin panel called the Grav Admin Plugin. This plugin provides a graphical interface for managing content, configuring settings, and installing plugins and themes, making it accessible even to users without technical expertise.

  7. Active Community: Grav has a vibrant and active community of developers and users who contribute themes, plugins, and support resources. The community-driven nature of Grav ensures that the platform continues to evolve and improve over time.

While Grav CMS offers many advantages, it's important to consider potential disadvantages as well. Here are some drawbacks to keep in mind:

  1. Limited Scalability: Grav may not be the best choice for extremely large or complex websites that require extensive scalability and advanced database features. Since it relies on a file-based architecture, managing a large number of files could become cumbersome and impact performance.

  2. Learning Curve for Non-Technical Users: While Grav's admin panel makes it easier for non-technical users to manage content compared to editing files directly, there is still a learning curve involved, especially for users accustomed to more traditional CMS platforms like WordPress.

  3. Plugin and Theme Ecosystem: While Grav has a growing ecosystem of plugins and themes, it may not be as extensive as other CMS platforms like WordPress. Finding specific plugins or themes to meet your needs may require more effort or customization.

  4. Less Community Support: While Grav has an active community, it may not be as large or well-established as communities around other CMS platforms. As a result, finding answers to specific questions or troubleshooting issues may take more time and effort.

  5. Complexity for Advanced Features: While Grav is relatively easy to set up and use for basic websites, implementing more advanced features or customizations may require a deeper understanding of PHP, Twig templating, and Grav's architecture, which could be challenging for less experienced developers.

  6. Dependency Management: Grav's flat-file architecture means that all dependencies, including themes and plugins, are stored within the project directory. Managing dependencies and updates manually could be more complex compared to systems with built-in dependency management like Composer in PHP-based projects.

  7. Limited Built-in Functionality: Grav's lightweight nature means that it may lack certain built-in features and functionalities found in more comprehensive CMS platforms. While many features can be added through plugins, users may need to rely on third-party extensions to achieve specific functionality.

Overall, Grav CMS offers a modern and flexible solution for building websites and web applications, particularly for developers and users who prefer a file-based approach to content management, while Grav CMS offers many benefits, it's essential to evaluate your specific needs and requirements to determine if it's the right choice for your project.

Database in CMS

Grav CMS does not use a traditional database like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite. Instead, it utilizes a flat-file architecture, where content, configuration, and other data are stored directly in files on the server's filesystem.

In this approach:

  1. Content: Content is typically written in Markdown format and stored in text files. Each page or content item usually corresponds to a file in the filesystem.

  2. Configuration: Configuration settings are stored in YAML files, which are human-readable and easy to edit. These files contain settings such as site configuration, plugin configuration, and theme configuration.

  3. Assets: Assets such as images, videos, and other media files are stored in directories within the project's filesystem.

This flat-file approach offers several advantages, including simplicity, portability, and easier version control. It eliminates the need for a separate database server and simplifies the deployment and management of the CMS.

However, it's important to note that Grav CMS can still integrate with external services and databases if needed. For example, you can use plugins or custom development to connect Grav with external databases or APIs for specific functionality, such as user authentication or data storage. But at its core, Grav CMS itself does not rely on a traditional database system.

Why to use

Grav CMS offers several compelling reasons why it might be the right choice for your project:

  1. Flat-File Architecture: Grav's flat-file architecture means that it does not require a traditional database like MySQL or PostgreSQL. This simplifies setup, reduces server requirements, and makes it easier to manage content and configuration files.

  2. Performance: Because Grav does not rely on a database, it can deliver faster performance compared to traditional CMS platforms. This can result in quicker page load times and better overall user experience, especially for content-heavy websites.

  3. Flexibility and Extensibility: Grav is highly flexible and extensible, allowing developers to create custom themes and plugins to extend its functionality. The Grav ecosystem includes a wide range of themes and plugins to customize and enhance your site, giving you the flexibility to build almost any type of website or web application.

  4. Markdown Content Editing: Content in Grav is written in Markdown, a lightweight markup language that is easy to write and read. Markdown allows content creators to focus on writing without worrying about complex formatting, and it's particularly well-suited for technical documentation, blogs, and other text-heavy content.

  5. User-Friendly Admin Panel: Grav comes with an easy-to-use admin panel called the Grav Admin Plugin. This plugin provides a graphical interface for managing content, configuring settings, and installing plugins and themes, making it accessible even to users without technical expertise.

  6. Active Community: Grav has a vibrant and active community of developers and users who contribute themes, plugins, and support resources. The community-driven nature of Grav ensures that the platform continues to evolve and improve over time, and you can find plenty of resources and assistance when building your site with Grav.

  7. Security: With its file-based architecture and lightweight footprint, Grav can offer enhanced security compared to traditional CMS platforms. There are fewer potential attack vectors, and security updates can be applied quickly and easily.

Multi-Language System

CMS is the "Grav Multi-Language Plugin". This plugin allows you to create multilingual sites with ease.

Here's a general outline of how you can implement multilanguage support in Grav CMS using this plugin:

  1. Install the Plugin: Start by installing the Grav Multi-Language Plugin. You can do this via Grav's built-in package manager or by manually downloading and installing the plugin files.

  2. Configure Languages: Once the plugin is installed, you'll need to configure the languages you want to support. This typically involves specifying the language codes, names, and other settings in the plugin's configuration file.

  3. Translate Content: With the multilanguage plugin set up, you can start translating your content. Grav allows you to create language-specific versions of your pages and content items. You can either translate the content yourself or collaborate with translators.

  4. Language Switcher: Implement a language switcher on your site to allow users to switch between different language versions of your content. This is usually done through a menu or other navigation element that lets users select their preferred language.

  5. SEO Considerations: Pay attention to SEO considerations when creating multilanguage sites. Each language version of your site should have its own unique URL structure, and you may need to set up hreflang tags to indicate to search engines that the different language versions are related.

  6. Test and Iterate: Once everything is set up, thoroughly test your multilanguage site to ensure that everything works as expected. You may need to iterate on your translations and make adjustments based on user feedback.

By following these steps, you can create a multilanguage site using Grav CMS and provide a localized experience for your users in different language markets.

The Power of Command Prompt

The command line interface (CLI) in Grav is a powerful tool that offers users advanced control over their website or web application. Grav's design philosophy focuses on empowering users with choices, allowing them to decide whether they prefer managing Grav through the command line interface or utilizing a simple yet robust admin panel plugin.

One of the significant advantages of using the CLI in Grav is the ease with which users can install themes, plugins, and perform various administrative tasks. After installing the Grav core on a server, extending its functionality by adding themes or plugins becomes a straightforward process through the CLI.

For example, if a user wants to install a new theme like TwentyFifteen, they can accomplish this with a single command: bin/gpm install twentyfifteen. This command triggers the Grav Package Manager (GPM) to download and install the TwentyFifteen theme, making it instantly available for use on the website.

Additionally, the CLI provides convenient features for site maintenance and management. For instance, users can easily create backups of their site's content using a simple command: bin/grav backup. This command generates a compressed zip file containing a backup of the site's content, automatically timestamped with the date and time of the backup creation. This feature ensures that users can safeguard their website's content with minimal effort.

Overall, the CLI in Grav serves as a versatile tool for users who prefer a more hands-on approach to managing their websites. Whether installing themes and plugins or performing administrative tasks like backups, the CLI streamlines these processes and offers users greater control and flexibility over their Grav-powered sites.


Grav CMS offers a wide range of plugins that extend its functionality and cater to various needs and preferences of users. Here's a more detailed overview of plugins in Grav:

  1. Plugin Types:

    • Admin Plugins: These plugins enhance the functionality of the Grav Admin Panel, providing additional features for content management, user authentication, backups, and more.
    • Content Plugins: Content plugins modify or enhance the way content is displayed or processed on your site. They can add features like syntax highlighting, image galleries, social media integration, and more.
    • Utility Plugins: Utility plugins add miscellaneous functionalities to your Grav site, such as SEO optimization, performance enhancements, sitemap generation, and error logging.
  2. Installation and Management:

    • Plugins can be easily installed and managed through the Grav Admin Panel or the command line interface (CLI) using the Grav Package Manager (GPM).
    • Users can browse available plugins on the Grav website or the official plugin repository and install them directly from there.
  3. Customization and Configuration:

    • Many plugins in Grav offer customization options through configuration files or settings in the Admin Panel.
    • Users can tailor the behavior and appearance of plugins to suit their specific requirements.
  4. Community Contributions:

    • The Grav community actively develops and maintains plugins, ensuring a wide variety of options to choose from.
    • Users can contribute their own plugins to the community, extending the ecosystem further and addressing niche needs.
  5. Popular Plugins:

    • Form Plugin: Allows users to create forms for collecting user input, such as contact forms, surveys, or registration forms.
    • SEO Plugin: Provides tools for optimizing your site's search engine visibility, including meta tags, sitemap generation, and canonical URLs.
    • Markdown Notices Plugin: Adds the ability to include customizable notices or alerts in Markdown content.
    • Shortcode Core Plugin: Enables the use of shortcodes in content, allowing users to embed dynamic content or perform complex actions with simple tags.
    • Image Captions Plugin: Automatically generates captions for images based on their filenames or alt text.
  6. Documentation and Support:

    • Each plugin typically comes with documentation outlining its features, usage instructions, and configuration options.
    • Users can seek support or assistance from the Grav community forums, GitHub repositories, or the official Grav documentation.

In Grav CMS, the Blueprint system serves as a professional and robust mechanism for defining and managing configuration settings within the Admin Panel. Essentially, Blueprints provide a structured and standardized way to create, organize, and validate the configuration options available to users when managing their site through the Admin Panel.

Here's a breakdown of the Blueprint system for the Admin Panel in Grav:

  1. Structured Configuration: Blueprints define the structure of configuration options in a hierarchical manner, organizing settings into logical groups and sections. This ensures clarity and organization, making it easier for users to navigate and manage their site settings.

  2. Flexibility and Customization: Blueprints offer flexibility for site administrators to define custom configuration options tailored to their specific requirements. This includes specifying various types of fields such as text inputs, checkboxes, select dropdowns, and more.

  3. Validation and Error Handling: Blueprints include mechanisms for validating user input and handling errors gracefully. This helps prevent incorrect or invalid configurations from being saved, reducing the risk of configuration-related issues on the site.

  4. Inheritance and Modularity: Blueprints support inheritance and modularity, allowing settings to be inherited from parent configurations or included from external files. This promotes reusability and consistency across different parts of the site or among multiple sites.

  5. Localization and Internationalization: Blueprints support localization and internationalization, enabling site administrators to provide translated labels and descriptions for configuration options in different languages. This ensures accessibility and usability for users across diverse linguistic backgrounds.

  6. Version Control and Collaboration: Blueprints can be versioned and managed using version control systems like Git, facilitating collaboration among team members and enabling controlled deployment of configuration changes across development, staging, and production environments.

  7. Integration with Themes and Plugins: Blueprints are tightly integrated with Grav's theming and plugin ecosystem, allowing theme developers and plugin authors to define custom configuration options for their themes and plugins. This enables users to customize the behavior and appearance of their site easily.

In summary, the Blueprint system for the Admin Panel in Grav CMS provides a professional and comprehensive framework for defining, managing, and validating configuration settings. Its structured approach, flexibility, and integration capabilities empower site administrators to customize their sites effectively while ensuring consistency, usability, and reliability across the board.

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